Redbrick Connect 2024

The Redbrick Connect 2024 is an event where outstanding works from the game challenge are exhibited and awarded. Participants and visitors will have the opportunity to experiencea variety of games and interact with other game developers.

November 30th (Saturday), 2024, 10:00 AM ~ 6:00 PM


Open to everyone


Ceox (E hall), Seoul

block coding
Festival Highlights

Redbrick Game Challenge Exhibition of Outstanding Works and Original Content

Award Ceremony for Outstanding Works in the Redbrick Game Challenge

Game Contents Experience and Play Events

Lectures by Speakers in the Game Industry


Free Entry

Game challenge participants will have priority access to the sessions.

Contact us

Join our discord and ask us anything.

Frequently Asked

Common questions we can answer you now

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Do I need to register in advance to participate in the event?
Anyone can freely participate on-site without prior registration. However, seats for the lectures are limited, so not everyone may be able to attend. (Game Challenge participants have priority access to the lectures)
What time is the last entry?
Entry closes at 17:00