Redbrick Game Contest for Youths

The Redbrick Game Contest is a game creation competition hosted by Redbrick for youths. Participants will develop and submit games based on an open them.

Submission Deadline: Thursday, October 31, 2024


Includes global elementary, middle, and high school students (10years or above)

header hero graphics
1st place
800 USD
2nd place
600 USD
3rd place
500 USD
4th place
300 USD
5th place
200 USD

Marketplace Editor's Choice recommendation and monetization acceleration support

Further details on awards and recognition will be updated later

Available Game Engines

Use your preferred engine to participate in the contest.


Building on Redbrick Engine earns you bonus points and provides continuous Discord support for developers.

Participation Benefits
  • Project submitters get priority access to Redbrick Connect 2024 sessions (limited seats)
  • Winning projects will be awarded and can exhibit at Redbrick Connect 2024 held at COEX in Seoul

Create Your Game with Redbrick Studio!

Submit your game built in Redbrick Studio to earn bonus points and receive exclusive developer support.
Explore Redbrick Studio

Participate and submit

Submission Period:

Until October 31, 23:59:59 (KST)
Until October 31, 14:59:59 (UTC)


Open theme

How to Apply:

Participants can apply individually or as a team (up to 4 people)

How to Submit:

Attach URL via Google Form after completing the game  Submit

Contact us

Join our discord and ask us anything.

Frequently Asked

Common questions we can answer you now

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Is the game contest only open to teenagers?
Yes, it is a game challenge for teenagers. Adults can participate in the online game jam.
Is there a separate registration or participation fee?
There is no participation fee. You just need to submit your completed work within the deadline.
How is the award ceremony conducted?
After the game contest concludes and the evaluation process is complete, the award-winning works will be announced and the award ceremony will take place at Redbrick Connect 2024 in November 30. Award winners must attend the ceremony, and failure to attend may result in forfeiture of the prize. For overseas participants who cannot attend, a representative will accept the award on their behalf. The prize money will be awarded within two weeks after the ceremony. Award-winning works may be playable on the Redbrick platform or provided as game templates in Redbrick Studio.
What is the theme of the game contest?
The theme is open. Since winning entries may be playable on the Redbrick platform or provided as game templates in Redbrick Studio, please submit a work created specifically for the Redbrick game contest, not a pre-made project.
Can I use other engines besides Redbrick Studio to create my game?
You can use Unity. Additional points will be awarded for using Redbrick Studio. To ensure fair competition and encourage creativity, commercial assets from the Unity Asset Store are not allowed in award-winning works. Please note that submitted works will be open to all participants.
What are the evaluation criteria?
To ensure fair evaluation, the following criteria will be used: Creativity(25) Technical Skill(25) Gameplay(25) Completeness(20) Bonus Points(5)